Newsletter November 2014: What’s On
November 6, 2014

The major Tate retrospective of Sigmar Polke is now into its second month and has had rave reviews. It spans his five-decade career, celebrating his achievements as one of the twentieth century’s most inventive and experimental post-war artists. Do go and see it if you can.
The Royal Academy is currently showing two exciting and wildly different shows. Hanging in the Sackler Wing is an exhibition dedicated to the sixteenth century Renaissance portraitist Giovanni Battista Moroni. This show is the first comprehensive survey of Moroni’s work in the UK and highlights his ability to capture the human figure with an incredible sense of vitality and naturalism. The exhibition runs until 25th January 2015.
Then opening next week in the RA’s main galleries is a show celebrating the entire career of the Brit Pop artist Allen Jones. This exhibition focuses on Jones’ fascination with contemporary culture and the art of American Pop-Artists such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, and will run until 25th January 2015.
Over in Paris, the Musée Picasso finally reopened its doors in October after a controversial and lengthy period of construction. The museum’s newly invigorated building will once again showcase the largest collection of masterpieces by Picasso under the new directorship of Laurent Le Bon.
And across the pond, the hotly anticipated El Greco show opens at the Met this week. Marrying the Met and the Hispanic Society’s collections of the artist’s work, this show celebrates the four-hundredth anniversary of El Greco’s death. The exhibition will coincide with a hanging at the Frick Collection of their works by the Spanish master.